Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tree Theory

I have this "tree theory". I am the trunk of my tree and some people are my branches, some people are my roots, and some are my leaves - which change with the "seasons" (of my life). They serve their purpose (whatever that may be) and they fade away just as quickly as they came. Bottom line, people come into your life when they are supposed to and leave when they are supposed to. Its all in God's plan and every encounter with someone is an opportunity to change a life - whether it be your life or theirs. The purpose is to either teach you something, teach them something, or for you to help one another. Even if you meet someone who just drives you bonkers, still treat them as if you would want to be treated, because you never know what sort of internal turmoil they may be going through or what kind of heartache they carry with them.

I find it so unsettling that people I used to be close with are strangers to me. I went to Subway (Sandwich Shop) a few months ago and an old manager that I used to work with about 10 years ago walked in behind me. He had no idea who I was. He didn't even remember my name. We made awkward small talk, making little direct eye contact, and tried to pass the time while we waited for our orders. I really felt like I could crawl under a table, I was so uncomfortable - but yet I was almost hurt that he didn't remember me. I know he has lots of people come and go with the job he has and I understand that, but I always thought that I made more of a lasting impression on people than that! I know I'm memorable! I was almost insulted! LOL But anyway -- I never realized how much time could either bring people closer or divide them.

Out of everyone I knew growing up, I have one "old friend" left. She's a girl I have known most of my life. I am thankful to have still a great connection with her. She is the only other person who I can connect with after a long separation and us still be close. She was my very best friend and still, after all of these years, I know she'd be there if I really needed her. I have another girl that I was close with in high school and we lost touch for a few years; life took us different directions. We have recently reconnected and are close again. After seeing this manager in the store, I laid in bed that night tossing and turning; upset about all of the people who "changed" or something. Maybe I am the one who changed. I know I am not the same person I was yesterday, let along 10 years ago! Then it hit me, they were leaves on my tree. At the time, years ago, I certainly thought they'd be the roots that would "weather the storm".

Looking back - time passes, seasons change, and the taller your tree gets, the better your perception of the world around you becomes.

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